When Sexual Desires Are Not Normal…

First. One of the greatest weapons every Christian needs in this end time is discernment – not just between good and evil, but also of motives and spirits behind people, actions and situations.

Second. One of the easiest ways the enemy weakens Christians is through sexual impurity of the soul and body. Even if they don’t physically indulge, he will make sure their souls and minds are so polluted, they become weak and powerless.

To make it even more deceptive, just like Eve and the fruit, he will mix truth with lies and tell you, “Sexual desires are normal.”

Yes, they are normal – but are the ones YOU are experiencing normal?…

THE SPIRIT OF LUST.(Bootcamp Purity Series)

I’m glad this series has come to an end.

Even though I knew God wanted me to write on it, it has been quite draining and exhausting. At one point, as I was praying and writing the post on How To Become And Stay Sexually Pure (1), I inexplicably burst into tears because I just had a sudden overpowering feeling that someone desperately needed it at that time.

HOW TO BECOME – AND STAY – SEXUALLY PURE(2)(Bootcamp Purity Series)

(continued from last post)
A while ago on social media, someone shared a rather lengthy revelation she had. I will give a brief summary:

In it, she saw a woman reading a book, and from the book rose up a form of spiritual dust that went into her eyes and left a film on them. Immediately, she became spiritually blind – and fell in love with the deception she was reading. Another was reading a book, and two snakes came out of the book and entered the reader’s eyes…

HOW TO BECOME – AND STAY – SEXUALLY PURE (1)(Bootcamp Purity Series)

I was asking the Lord what to write on this topic, and He asked, “How did YOU get to where you are are?” (Paraphrase)

So, here goes.

So, Jesus knocks on the door of your sexual life and asks, “Can I come in?”
And we say, “Yes, Lord…just one moment.”

Then we switch off the X-rated movie on our television sets – or change it to CBN.
We put off that raunchy music – or change it to praise and worship…


In subsequent posts, we will see practical ways God helps us attain sexual purity, but before then, I will like to lay some groundwork for this series.

First, Abstinence is not Sexual purity.
While abstinence will be an outcome, it is much deeper than that. You can abstain from physical sex and still be impure in your heart and thoughts…

SEXUAL PURITY IS POSSIBLE – FOR ‘YOU’. (Bootcamp Purity Series – Introduction)

One day, a man woke up from a long coma. He didn’t recognise anything or anyone. He also couldn’t remember his past. The doctor and other medical personnel tried to prod his memory, but he couldn’t recollect a thing.

One day, some military officials came to see him. They cordoned off his room because they wanted to talk with him alone. That was when they revealed he was an undercover spy for the military, and had been hit on the head while on a mission…