When Sexual Desires Are Not Normal…

Weird topic – but someone needs this. Long post alert.

First. One of the greatest weapons every Christian needs in this end time is discernment. Not just discerning between good and evil, but also discerning motives and spirits behind people, actions and situations.

Second. One of the easiest ways the enemy weakens Christians is through sexual impurity of the soul and body. Even if they don’t physically indulge, he will make sure their souls and minds are so polluted, they become weak and powerless.

To make it even more deceptive, just like Eve and the fruit, he will mix truth with lies and tell you, “Sexual desires are normal.”

Yes, they are normal – but are the ones YOU are experiencing normal? That’s where discernment comes in.

Over the past weekend, someone shared how he seemed to be going through a long spell of sexual desire/arousal – (for lack of a better word.) Even though he wasn’t deliberately doing or looking at anything to cause it, he seemed to be in a perpetual state of heightened sexual desire. At first, he explained it away:

–Sexual desires were normal. This was purely biological.
–He was unmarried and had no outlet for release, so it was normal to feel such intense and prolonged desires. (This by the way, isn’t always true… but that’s a topic for another day)
–He was getting emotionally attracted to someone, so it was normal to desire sexual intimacy with her.

However, he became concerned when the feeling persisted, even when he wasn’t doing anything to fuel it. It began to interfere with his prayer and Word life because his mind and body were literally burning.

Before he gave his life to Christ, he had been involved in pornography, masturbation and fornication. Then the Lord delivered him. Now, years later, he started having wet dreams where he saw himself masturbating. He would wake up thinking “wet dreams are normal.” However, the dreams were dragging him back to desire to masturbate in real life. Worse, he began to feel drawn to view pornography again.

It got so bad, one day, after praying, he went online to find out possible causes and solutions. Of course, most people and groups advised self-pleasure or fornication.😒😑 Then, as he prayed in the Spirit, he “stumbled” on a Christian forum where several people shared how they found themselves having the same kind of experiences and sexual dreams.

They also shared how they took authority over the spirits of masturbation and pornography that were trying to get inroads back into their lives.

It was as if blinders were taken off!

Those sexual desires were NOT normal. The unclean spirits of masturbation, pornography and perversion – that had left him years ago – were trying to get back into his life.

Remember what Jesus said happens when an unclean spirit is cast out of a man? Exactly. The demon goes about looking for rest. If it doesn’t find a suitable place, it goes back to its former “house” only to find it cleaned up. It then goes to get seven other spirits more wicked than it (so they cannot be easily cast out like the first time), and they enter the man AGAIN, but now, his state is eight times worse than before. (Luke 11:24-26).

His eyes were huge. What?! Thank God for the Holy Spirit. Immediately, he asked God for mercy and began to bind the spirits of pornography, lust, masturbation, and perversion that were trying to get an inroad back into his life. He cast them out of his life, then asked God for a cleansing, praying 1st Thessalonians 5:23. (This is a prayer I like to pray constantly.)

He then fell asleep – and when he woke up, guess what? All the feelings had disappeared. Totally. Just like that.

A very well-known father in the faith shared a similar story. One season as a young minister, he struggled for a long period with strange sexual desires. Even though he was married and his wife could satisfy his needs, his thoughts, mind and emotions were filled with all kinds of sexual thoughts, no matter how much he tried to pray.

Finally, and fortunately, he confessed to his father in the Lord who prayed with him and rebuked the spirits of lust and immorality – and it disappeared.
Soon after, he was spiritually promoted and elected to take over the church after his father in the Lord died.

Yes, sexual desires are normal, but
–When they persist for a long season
–When they persist against your desire
–When they affect your communion with God and fellowship with other believers
–When they are drawing you (back) into sexual uncleanness: masturbation, pornography, fornication and adultery
–When they are for a certain person other than your spouse…

…they are not normal.

These attacks (yes, they are attacks) are usually precursors to something big coming. Every minister who has experienced it says the same thing. It usually comes just before a new season begins – and, most times, the one under attack is unaware of the coming shift. (Read more here: The Spirit of Lust). For example,

–There’s a new move of God about to be unleashed, so it comes to those who will be major players in that move.
–You are about to experience a spiritual shift or promotion, then it comes so you can fall off and be disqualified.
–You are about to settle down maritally – then it comes forcefully and clouds your senses, so your choice is based on sexual attraction and intensity, rather than the leading of the Spirit.
–You are about to experience a blessing you have been praying for – and it comes so you lose the blessing. (I can’t count the number of times I have heard this from people who have experienced it.)

How do you overcome these seasons/attacks?

–Ask God for mercy and a cleansing. 1 Thessalonians 5:23.
–Rebuke and bind the spirits of lust, perversion, etc, and cast them out of your life. If you have to fast and pray, do so.
–The devil thrives in secrecy. Whatever is brought to the light loses its grip. Ask for help from a trusted, mature, and more anointed Christian OF THE SAME SEX.
–Spend time with God and the Word. Deliberately fellowship with other believers. Avoid isolation at all costs. The lonely and isolated are usually most susceptible to these attacks.
–If applicable, ask God to reveal anything that might be attracting such spirits into your life and deal with them…

…and I pray, that the One who is able to keep you from falling, will keep your spirit, soul, and body blameless until He appears in Jesus’ name. Amen. (Jude 24; 1Thessalonians 5:23)

(Blessed? Kindly share.❤️)

If you want to give your life to Christ, just say with your lips, “Lord Jesus. I am sorry for all my sins. Come into my heart, forgive me and cleanse me with your Blood. I believe You died and rose again, and I accept You as my Lord and Savior. Amen.” You are welcome to the family!🤗  Drop a note, and we will be glad to reach out!

(Do you have a prayer request? Send it in. We will DEFINITELY be praying. Testimonies? Questions/Topics you want discussed? Suggestions on the blog? Drop a note. All private and anonymous. We will share only if requested.)