I was in my first year in junior secondary school. It was a boarding school. My parents had decided to send me and my sisters to a popular girls’ school in our homestate for ‘exposure.’ At that time, my parents were conservative Christians, and the church we attended was word-based – but quite conservative. EvenContinue reading “DEALING WITH THE SPIRIT OF FEAR (Reblog)”

Pick Your Promise Back Up! (Reblog)

Some years ago, I had an unexpected upheaval in my life. I didn’t see it coming, and it blindsided me. It especially hurt and grieved me because it came from someone very close. The individual apologized, but I couldn’t just bring myself to forgive.

A few days later, I went for a program – and the minister talked on forgiveness. There, in that program – and with much difficulty – I finally forgave and let go of the hurt. However, that situation made me take a decision…

Don’t Think. Just DO.

I was talking to a group of young people recently about their Christian walk and service. Some of them gave reasons/excuses why they couldn’t execute or attend to certain exercises – and I found myself saying, “Don’t Think. Just Do.”

I told them severally to repeat after me, “Don’t Think. Just Do.” (I know some of them rolled their eyes, but I didn’t “send”.😏)…


You don’t have to be everywhere.
You don’t have to do everything.
You don’t have to get involved in everything.
You don’t have to KNOW everything.

The fear of missing out (popularly called FoMO) has become an epidemic in our culture – and it has seeped into Christian walk as well…

You don’t need more spiritual power. Or fire.
You need more tarrying capacity: The ability to stay in his presence until you are “endued with power” – and fire naturally falls.

You don’t need more money.
You need more earning and learning capacity. (Click on the image to read more.)


Todd White shared the following true life story:

An atheist had a dream one night. He saw a long fence going on infinitely.

On one side of the fence was Jesus, the hosts of Heaven and angels.
On the other side of the fence was the devil, demons and the hosts of hell.

A young lad was brought to stay with us. His English was really bad. He could barely hear or speak the language.

When I spoke to him, I tried to speak slowly and in broken (Nigerian pidgin English) so he could understand me.

I started, “Wetin be your…?”

Immediately, my mum interrupted me sharply. “No.”


At certain times in our lives, we get to crossroads where we have to make life-changing decisions.

Usually, at these points, we hesitate: Left or Right?
Yes or No?
Leave or Stay?
Keep or Cut off?…