THE RELATIONSHIP BOOTCAMP SERIES (Spiritual Bootcamp Introduction)

In a military bootcamp, new recruits are indoctrinated, trained to follow instructions, and undergo rigorous physical fitness training. Three major facts about a bootcamp are:
(1) It is usually intensive or gruelling
(2) It does not last forever
(3) It is meant to prepare the enlisted individual for the main army or war.

If you have not been called to a life of celibacy, your single period will be a series of bootcamps. These bootcamps can be discrete or continuous, occurring sequentially or concurrently – but they have one goal: To prepare you for your role in the family-army these end times.

In Spiritual Bootcamp, God’s major focus will be to Build Spiritual Capacity.

THE MATURE, SINGLE CHRISTIAN – and a Higher Perspective

I had always known I was going to write on this topic – experiences and lessons learnt as a mature, single Christian. I had already jotted down the outlines, but I was going to write it (1) as a book, and (2) ‘safely behind matrimonial walls.’

When it dropped into my heart a few months ago to write it now – I thought, “No way. What will people say?! No, Lord.”

(It’s strange how we can join two words that do not belong together: ‘No’. ‘Lord’.)