The Story Of Liz And Zach (Reblog)

It was a mass wedding – and she was the youngest of the five brides.

When it was their turn, Lisa couldn’t help the blush that highlighted her cheeks as Zach looked at her, eyes filled with love, as he repeated after the minister, “To love and to hold, in sickness and in health…”

She knew her own eyes were a reflection of his, but she couldn’t help herself. She had loved him from the first time they met, and when he had gone to see her parents, she had squealed along with her sisters.

He was so handsome. So tall. Most of all, just like her, he loved God.

In fact, he was the only groom out of the five who was in Bible School. He was training to be a minister and had told her he was called into full-time service. Coming from a lineage of full-time ministers herself, Lisa had understood – and had even taken it as a confirmation that they were indeed meant to be together.

She could imagine their home: Both of them deeply in love with each other, serving God together in the ministry, raising a home filled with children ‘like olive plants round about the table’.

Children who would fear, love and serve the Lord. Just like their father.

She couldn’t wait.

Fifty-something years later…

Read full post here.